Friday, January 30, 2009


whoo Friday update

thank you for the donations! This helps out sasaya

When I get the raws from Sasaya I will start working on them later this week

Also if you feel like you need to post the chapter somewhere else please post something here first

Sunday, January 25, 2009


NEW UPDATE 16+ pages
It was missing a page but I fixed it

whos your hero

I'm trying something new with the level

I like it a lot and will fix the pages from the other upload

I will start working on the next pages later this week

Friday, January 23, 2009



here is a 17 page update :D

if any one would like to help donate to Sasaya for buying the vol that would be great

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Saturday, January 17, 2009

sorry its taking so long i want to release at 15 pages at a time and right now I have 6

Friday, January 9, 2009

Just a Little Teaser

Okay, these are just some mostly unedited scans from Superior Vol. 8 by Ichtys. Scanned and translated by Sasaya, edited by gutts! ^^ enjoy! and if by chance Superior becomes available in English, in America, please buy it!!!

Superior !

Welcome to the new home for superior

We have vol 8 and are going to start releasing new captures as soon as we can!